
Sunday, February 2, 2014


Evaluation of Research suggestions in that location ar cardinal inquiry project of marriages for ` analyze drug-resistance to Indinavir , to be evaluated for instigate . The proposed methodology is identical in all 3 research intents with some tyke differences In the subsequent paragraphs the important features of the three final causes will be discussed with their merits and demerits to start at a ratiocination regarding sanction of the best proposalProposal 1There ar still 50 subjects in this investigating . This number is a small number and should be increased as mechanical plan any purposeful statistical conclusions will be rugged from such a small sample surface . The entire thing or so the proposal is that it that principal investigator and lab investigator are both professors and therefore well drug-addi cted for conducting such a research . anyways , the cost of the pop out is in like manner non very high , it is reasonableProposal 2There are 2000 subjects in this probe and this is a good sample size for drawing statistically meaningful conclusions . unless , the basis of classifying subjects in the deuce groups is not good . Unlike in other two proposals where subjects bemuse been classified based on forbiddance of HIV-1 for 90 and one hundred eighty weeks this investigation classifies the subjects on the basis of HIV-1 resistance for 4 weeks but . In such a study seven-day the period of HIV-1 suppression , the better it is Therefore , reliability of this investigation will cover questionable The proposal is extravagant . There empennage be no justification for buying costly equipment like HPLC , which is multipurpose for investigation of lung quite a littlecer , in this hold . Even the earnings of the investigating team is on higher(prenominal) side . The invest igators appear more than than inclined fo! r a pass tour to Fiji , than the main investigation . One cannot comprehend the motif to go to Fiji on the air of completing the research and spare the research report . It can be done in USA itself . Therefore , this proposal should be summarily rejectedProposal 3This proposal is from a team of pushful students , which must be apprehended . The cost of the calculate is exceedingly low . However , as an evaluator of the project I am somewhat prudent regarding the capability of the students to success sufficienty realize the project . The students whitethorn be academically capable . However , successful completion of the project requires input from different agencies . Besides , the students will have wardrobe from their other academic assignments and may find it difficult to better the due attention to this investigation Therefore , I cannot dramatise the risk of sanctioning Proposal 3SummaryThe three proposals were critically examined . I must conclude that the start proposal is the best . The only shortcoming associated with the first proposal is the small sample size . This shortcoming can be removed by recruiting more patients may be just about 500 . This will star to some cost escalation , which can be negotiated with the investigators and some more fund may be granted to them on this cipher . Therefore , the first proposal should be accepted with minor modifications regarding number of patients under investigation...If you fate to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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